This destructive, invasive weed is in Beaven Lake, Round Lake and the creeks. Every broken piece of weed starts a new plant. Motor boats and to a lesser extent paddle boats fragment the plants which helps them spread. These plants can quickly outcompete native vegetation and form large colonies of thick strands which fish cannot penetrate.
The above map was produced by the Conseil régionale environment as part of one of their projects. The association is working on producing a similar map for Round lake.
- Do not enter inside any area marked by yellow buoys
- Do not cut or fragment plants – this will only help them spread unless all fragments are removed from the lake eradication measures must be well planned
- Avoid travel in creeks, reduce wake to avoid breakage
- Wash boat, motor, trailer, and bilge, etc. to prevent bringing new contaminants to the lakes – and make sure not to transport plant fragments from Beaven and Round lakes to other waterbodies
Actions we have taken to date on Beaven and Round Lakes
We have set out buoys to mark where Eurasian Milfoil is found and our main task is to educate people to stay away from those areas so as not to break up the plants and spread them. Do not go inside the yellow buoys. This applies to all water craft, even Kayaks, and particularly seadoos and wakeboats. Do not fish inside the milfoil zones. Avoid travel in the creeks because that inevitably spreads the weed.
Public Education
The association has prepared and distributed information to lake users and residents. We not only need to educate lake dwellers but we need to take on the task of informing fishermen and women as well as boaters who visit the lake.
We encourage lake users to speak courteously to anyone who is going into infested areas and explain why that is a problem. Bob Parkenson has asked us to let him know if anyone that has entered at his beach is not observing the Code of Conduct. 819 421 2234
Floating Weeds:
Pieces of the weed have been cut and are floating onto our shores on an almost daily basis. When possible they should be picked up and composted high above the high water line or disposing of them in garbage bags.
Signs: Montcalm is helping with signs for the five or more entry points where boats are coming onto the lakes.
We need to use methods that maintain the natural weeds. Biodiversity is our ally.
Boat Washing:
People entering the lake who are not residents (including renters or guests), or any residents who have taken their boats somewhere else should wash their boats, their motors, their trailers and their ballasts, their fish tanks and flush their engine coolant. People need to be alerted that if they have been in our lakes, they risk spreading the weed to other lakes.
Residents with infestations in front of their properties:
If boats must be driven in proximity to eurasian milfoil colonies, (for example to reach the shore) care should be taken to always enter and exit on the same pathway to minimise the breakage of plants and possibly think of laying down jute to fight the colony. The best time for work on eradication is between July 15 when weeds are really showing and Aug 15 when the plants get brittle and break off easily. Be sure to correctly identify the plant, some native species to the lake have a similar appearance – while these other plants may not be fun to swim in, they are not a threat to the eco-system.
You can consult the Biologist’s Report concerning Eurasian milfoil and her presentation slides from the September 2016 meeting (in French). You can also see the presentation from the May 21st 2017 ALBeRo meeting.
Article from le journal l’information du Nord on the 2016 meeting
Article from LaPresse on Eurasion Milfoil
Eurasian milfoil video – Lake Louisa (Laurentians)