Friday, February 7, 2025
HomeEurasian Milfoil

Eurasian Milfoil

We are removing Eurasian Milfoil from our Lakes!

Thanks to the generous contributions of members like you our team of volunteers lead by Mike Baatz (second from right) and Carol Robitaille (right)...

Update on Eurasian Milfoil: New Maps

Update on Eurasian Milfoil from AlBeRo President Alex Tyrrell <<First Name>> Last September, I wrote to you about the rapid and uncontrolled spread of Eurasian milfoil in Beaven...

Update on Eurasian Milfoil from AlBeRo President Alex Tyrrell

In late August, I spent a two days on Beaven and Round lakes surveying the colonies of eurasian milfoil along with Samuelle Durocher of...

Yellow Buoys Installed To Fight Eurasian Milfoil

The yellow buoys have been installed by nice volunteers. They delimit the areas where there are massive colonies of Eurasian water-milfoil. We ask you...

General Information – Eurasian Milfoil

EURASIAN MILFOIL This destructive, invasive weed is in Beaven Lake, Round Lake and the creeks. Every broken piece of weed starts a new plant. Motor...

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